Feel the beat

...the beat of my heart, of my mind, of my steps.

Donnerstag, Mai 25, 2006

Moral of this story is...

...never visit a "coffee-shop" before going on live TV in front of millions!

What do I mean by that?

As I promised I am back to report regarding Mr. Fool Nbr. 2 during the vote reporting.
Paul de Leeuw. The spokesman for the Netherlands
compared the two hosts, Maria and Sakis, to Will and Grace, and then proceeded to shamelessly flirt with Sakis. He was making fun of Sakis' name and clothes, called him "chickie" at least 3 times and before he announced the 12 points, he said to Sakis: "If you guess who will get the 12 points, I will give you my number"! , alluding to a sexual encounter. Sakis responded: "I bet it is 696969". Great answer Sakis!
How embarassing from this Dutch guy?! Was he pissed out of his mind? Is he still working today? He was an utter disgrace and he is actually a professional TV presenter in the Pays Bas?!
Paul, the dutch announcer was not interesting on the Show, he defenately wanted the attention of Sakis and tried everything to become the highlight of the night without success.
Just for the history: Holland gave the 12 points to Turkey

and the dialog in Greek was as following:

Σάκης: «Μπορούμε να έχουμε τα αποτελέσματα της ολλανδικής ψηφοφορίας;». «Να σου δώσω το τηλέφωνό μου», λέει ο Ολλανδός. «Υποθέτω ότι είναι 69 69 69», αποκρίνεται εκείνος. «Όχι, εγώ δεν είμαι ο Γάλλος!» απαντά ο Ολλανδός παρουσιαστής και αρχίζει να αραδιάζει νούμερα. «Αυτά δεν μεταφράζονται», προσπάθησε να καλύψει τηλεοπτικώς την αμηχανία ο Γιώργος Καπουτζίδης.

Who described this idiot best? Terry Wogan, the "protagonist" of my last post!

"How much have you had to drink?"
"Get on with it"
"Thanks for dressing up!"

Sonntag, Mai 21, 2006

That was an amasing EuroVISSIon Show

Indeed! That was a great show last night in Athens!

and for some others:
The beauty and the ... beasts!

Even if the BBC-reporter didn’t like it; he didn’t like the way the televoting took place, he didn’t like the sweet smiley faces, he was laughing at anyone and everything and how embarrassing: he didn’t have a clue about last years winner country; from all the wonderful pictures from Greece he only recognised the Parthenon.

I hope you where of the lucky ones, watching the competition far away from the UK! The comments of "legendary Terry" were in a word unbearable!
I will not give any examples of his thoughts during the show, I would only like to inform you about his opinion regarding this music contest as givendirectly after the semi-final show, also moderated by himself in the BBC:
'I have always taken a porky, light-hearted view of the Eurovision Song Contest because in my view you have to. It’s a silly old thing but its magnificent in its foolishness'... 'Every year I expect it to be less foolish, and every year its more so!'

The Eurovision Song Contest is over now and all the participated countries are happy with the Greek hospitality and the lovely time they spent in Athens. That was one more success for Greece, as well as the Olympic Games too; good luck to GB for your “Olympic” organisation; just a small recommendation: do not ask Mr. Terry to represent GB as your main reporter dear Britain’s!

Anna! Thank you very much for "everything"! You were once again great and gave "everything" as always! I cannot wait until next Saturday, when I’ll see you live from the 5th line in the Royal Alberts Hall in London! About Annas concert in London I should be able to report in a weeks time.

About the Dutch reporter though, much sooner! I will not upset myself more tonight! And about the winners? Well done guys! Not because of your song or the performance, but because of your very clever answers during the press conference after the show!

Dienstag, Mai 09, 2006

Good morning!... heute allerdings auf Deutsch

Which is for you the best way to wake up? Especially a Wednesday morning, middle of the week, with the nice feeling that a week at work is almost over. Although I am not in Germany anymore, today I woke up with a "Guten Morgen! Speditionsfirma aus Osnabrueck; ich verbinde Ihnen mit dem Fahrer des LKWs". - "Wie bitte?": meine Reaktion. "Ihre Lieferung ist da". (22+ boxes! 7 year's of my life in Osna + Jorges almost 3 years there too) -"Wo? in GB?" "Genau richtig, vor Ihrer Haustuer!" Do not panic! You still have 2min until they knock on your door and 30min in total left to get dressed, make space in your flat for 22+ boxes, lift them up to the house (Gott sei Dank; Jorge is still at home and hasn't left to work yet) and leave home asap to be on time in the office! Lucky me! I do not have a car today due to the service and MOT.
