Feel the beat

...the beat of my heart, of my mind, of my steps.

Donnerstag, Mai 25, 2006

Moral of this story is...

...never visit a "coffee-shop" before going on live TV in front of millions!

What do I mean by that?

As I promised I am back to report regarding Mr. Fool Nbr. 2 during the vote reporting.
Paul de Leeuw. The spokesman for the Netherlands
compared the two hosts, Maria and Sakis, to Will and Grace, and then proceeded to shamelessly flirt with Sakis. He was making fun of Sakis' name and clothes, called him "chickie" at least 3 times and before he announced the 12 points, he said to Sakis: "If you guess who will get the 12 points, I will give you my number"! , alluding to a sexual encounter. Sakis responded: "I bet it is 696969". Great answer Sakis!
How embarassing from this Dutch guy?! Was he pissed out of his mind? Is he still working today? He was an utter disgrace and he is actually a professional TV presenter in the Pays Bas?!
Paul, the dutch announcer was not interesting on the Show, he defenately wanted the attention of Sakis and tried everything to become the highlight of the night without success.
Just for the history: Holland gave the 12 points to Turkey

and the dialog in Greek was as following:

Σάκης: «Μπορούμε να έχουμε τα αποτελέσματα της ολλανδικής ψηφοφορίας;». «Να σου δώσω το τηλέφωνό μου», λέει ο Ολλανδός. «Υποθέτω ότι είναι 69 69 69», αποκρίνεται εκείνος. «Όχι, εγώ δεν είμαι ο Γάλλος!» απαντά ο Ολλανδός παρουσιαστής και αρχίζει να αραδιάζει νούμερα. «Αυτά δεν μεταφράζονται», προσπάθησε να καλύψει τηλεοπτικώς την αμηχανία ο Γιώργος Καπουτζίδης.

Who described this idiot best? Terry Wogan, the "protagonist" of my last post!

"How much have you had to drink?"
"Get on with it"
"Thanks for dressing up!"


  • At 3:07 PM, Blogger Formosa said…

    Hi Dena,
    Thanks for leaving a comment.

    I didn't actually watch the whole Eurovision show. But reading what you said about Paul de Leeuw, it doesn't really surprise me. He's a VERY popular talkshow host, singer, writer etc, and he's wellknown for his excentric way of acting and behaving. He's gay, and he doesn't hide it...this is after all the first country for same-sex marriage. You know his 'performance' on live TV across Europe didn't make any news here in Netherlands.

    I think it must have been fun for a change from the boring 'one, point, un point' etc etc etc from all those countries. Ein bisschen Wahnsinn ab und zu kann nicht schaden, oder?


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